As you can imagine, artistic professions are definitely not the most profitable in Bulgaria. We have many famous artists like Vladimir Dimitrov-Maystora and a rich heritage of artists, sculptors and so on, which give us very strong national foundation for art and culture, but due to the economic reasons and poor political management, arts are […]
read moreЗа красивите жени често битуват митове, че са глупави и не могат да се похвалят с богата обща култура. За мен това са предразсъдъци и напротив, красивата жена е изправена пред много повече предизвикателства, с които трябва да се бори всекидневно и да се доказва. Това е така, защото към нея околните винаги имат завишени […]
read moreAs you may know, spring is the season that most women turn to diets, nutrition etc. In winter people are usually careless about their healthy lifestyle and weight because the body is snowed under a lot of jumpers and jackets. Therefore, when the spring is here I am one of the people who are totally […]
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